·        He human economy must be limited within the carrying capacity of Earth’s remaining natural resources.

·        Therefore we need to devise system where we can use the resources of the Earth without depletion to denying the needs of the future generation.

·        In fact many, many resource economists, environmental scientists, and ecologists believe that the human’s economy is already too large to be sustained by Earth’s resource and ecosystem.


1. Integration of conservation and developments.

2. Satisfaction of basic human needs.

3. Achievements of equity and social justice.

4. Provision for social self-determination and culture diversity.

5. Maintenance of ecological integrity.


·         Sustainable resource management means managing resources in a way that their sources are not depleted;

·         So that the future generations can also benefit from it.

·        A renewable resource can be used again and again, so is more sustainable. Eg water, wind, wood, sun and wave energy.

·         A non-renewable resource will eventually run out, so it is not sustainable in the long run eg fossil fuels such as gas, oil, and coal. There is only a finite supply of non-renewable resources


·         Restricting human being

·         Technological development should be input effective and not input utilizing.

·         The rate of consumption should not surpass the rate of salvation.

·        For renewable resources, the rate of consumption should not surpass the rate of production of renewable substitutes.

·         All types of pollution should be minimized.

·        Sensible use of Natural Resources.


·        There are two primary goals of sustainable development:

·        To minimize the depletion of natural resources when creating new developments.

·        To create development that can be maintained and sustained without causing further harm to the environment.


 1. Optimum use of Natural resources.

2. Effective Water Management

3. Intergenerational Equity.

 4. Intergenerational Equity

5. Holistic Approach.

1. Optimum utilization of natural resources

·        Every country is proud of its resources. They are the backbone of the economy. Using the economy's resources and transforming them into positive energy results in building capital stocks.

·        These again add to the wealth for generations to come. However, the current use, or rather misuse, of the existing resources is delivering a message, loud and clear, that there are slim chances that there will be enough resources left for future generations to use.

·        A resource could also be essential for production. The production of oxygen, clean air, graceful surroundings, etc.

·        Here are some tips on how we can use natural resources to our advantage, without polluting the environment. We can actually save energy, reduce pollution and help in preserving the environment by proper utilization of the natural resources.

2. Effective water management

·        A step to conserve water is the step to secure the future. The most essential among all the natural resources on earth is water. A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold for the thirsty man.

·        Conservation is what that can reduce the scarcity of water. It aims to improve the efficiency of use of water, and reduce losses and waste.

Tips to save water:

·        Avoid leakage of water from the taps.

·        Turn the tap off when not in use especially when you brush your teeth or wash clothes.

·        Rainwater harvesting is the another method to conserve water.

·        The water supply should be limited in those areas which enjoys the unlimited water supplies.

3. Intergenerational Equity

·         In developed countries the main interest has focused upon integrating environmental and economic considerations into decision about development.

·         For developed countries there has been concern that in striving to avoid environmental degradation decision.

 4. Intergenerational Equity

·        The perspective of developing countries has been different, with priority usually being on how to meet basic needs of present citizens.

·         Thus the focus has been on intergenerational equity in the belief that people whose basic needs are not met will not worry about long term environmental degradation.

5. Holistic Approach:

·         The approach of sustainable development is holistic as it takes different objects as a whole, not in isolation 

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