India Unity Despite Diversity, Cultural unity , Causes , Religious unity and importance

India Unity Despite Diversity- Cultural unity and diversity, Causes of unity in India, Religious unity and Importance of Unity in India.

Indian Cultural Diversity

·        Indian Cultural Diversity Indian culture is one of the oldest and unique.

·     Few countries in the world have such an ancient and diverse culture as India's.

·        In India, there is an amazing cultural diversity throughout the country.

·  The South, North, and Northeast have their own distinct cultures and almost every state has carved its own cultural niche.

·   Its physical, religious and racial variety is as immense as its linguistic diversity.





·        Most tourists who come to India are amazed by personally observing the Indian culture. Since India is vastly populated, its perpetual cultural diversity is amazingly spread out.

·        Still one thing that is common in these millions of people their love for the culture. India is the world’s largest democracy. Multiculturalism relates to communities containing multiple cultures.

·        What makes Indian multiculturalism and multicultural education unique is the fact?


Indian Cultural Diversity

·    Indian Cultural Diversity The Indian culture has never been rigid and that's why it's surviving with pride in the modern era.

·        It timely imbibes the qualities of various other cultures and comes out as a contemporary and acceptable tradition.

·        On the world stage, either through international film festivals or through beauty pageants, India regularly displays its talent and culture.

· The flexibility and movement with time has made Indian Culture fashionable and acceptable too.


Causes of Unity despite Diversity

India is a vast country with various types of diversities. The entire society is divided by caste, religion, language, race etc. But with all these diversities we live together as there is a fundamental unity among us.

Unified India is not a new concept. In the past also the concept of one unified India attracted many philosophers. So many factors are contributing for the unification of India.


1.    Geographical Unity:


·   India has its own fixed natural boundary, because of which different communities are forced to live together.

·       It is surrounded on the one side by the great Himalayan range and on the other sides by the high seas.

·     India has always referred to this vast land expanding from the Himalayas in the North to the KanyaKumari in the South.

·        Even today India includes the realization of a geographical unity.


2.    Religious Unity:


Religious unity can be divided into three levels:

·        Firstly, the unity among various religious groups, such as Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc. All these religions have some common principles like principles of benevolence, honesty, faith in an invisible power, value of life etc.


·        Secondly, the unity among the different sects of Hindu religion. It is based on a common faith system or belief system. All of them believe in immortality of soul, temporary nature of world, doctrine of karma etc.

·        Thirdly, the unity among the Hindus who are scattered all over India. There are some religious elements accepted by each and every Hindu without considering their differences in ideas, customs, caste etc. Some of the epics like Mahabharat, Ramayan, Bhagbat are accepted by all.


3.     Cultural Unity:


·        Indian culture possesses a fundamental unity. The fundamental approach to literature, philosophy, tradition and customs is typically Indian.

·    Some of the religious and cultural festivals are celebrated all over the country without any consideration of caste or religion.

·  Likewise, social institutions like caste and joint family are found throughout India. Even they are found among Muslims and Christians.


4.     Linguistic Unity:


·  In India a large number of languages are found. The problem of multiplicity of languages is solved because Sanskrit works as a link language.

·  People of the North and the South have accepted Sanskrit as their language. Sanskrit is the only language in which the entire ancient literature and philosophy of the past are recorded.


5.     Political unity:


·   In the past India was divided into so many kingdoms. At the time of British rule the concept of political unification emerged to make India free from the clutches of the Britishers.

·    After independence India adopted democratic system of politics which demands political unification at all its levels.



6.     Racial Unity:


·    From the earliest time India has invaded by different races such as Aryans, Shaks, Huns etc. But with the passage of time they merged so completely with the local population and culture that they lost

·    All traces of their original nature and cannot be distinguished today. They are totally merged into Indian culture and civilization.


7.     Emotional Unity:


·        Finally, there is an emotional bond in India that binds all the members of the nation.

·        The very word Bharat Varsha binds all Indians and emotionally they become closer to one another. They can also sacrifice their lives to protect India from foreigners.

·        The burning example is Kargil war. From all these facts it is obvious that India is a fine example of unity in diversity.

·    All these areas of unity cross the boundaries of caste, creed, social custom and religious grouping to establish unity in diversities.


Importance of Unity in Diversity

·        Unity in diversity boosts morale of people in different organizations and workplaces.

·     It promotes the esprit de corps, relationship, teamwork among people and enhances the quality of lie.

·   It keeps focused on their core activities instead of taking care of useless social issues.

·    It improves healthy human relations and protects equal human rights at all.

·      It Promotes Indian tourism as tourist from other countries come to watch diversities of people, their traditions, religions, clothing etc.

·  It gives rise to the habit of national integration among people of the country.

·        It helps to promote rich heritage of the country.


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