·        An important element of a valid contract is that the parties to the contract should have the capacity to enter into a contract.

·    For an “agreement” to become a “contract”, it is important that such agreement is between persons who have the capacity to contract.

·        Capacity here means competence of the parties to enter into a valid contract.


·        According to section 11 of the contract act: “ Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject, & who is of sound mind, and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject.”


·        Minors, who are not of the age of majority.

·         Persons of unsound mind, and

·         Persons disqualified to contract by any law (Insolvents).



Who is a minor?

·         – Acc. To sec 3 of Indian majority act, 1875, a minor is a person who has not attained the age of 18 years.

·        But where a guardian of a minor’s person or property has been appointed under the guardian and wards act, or where the superintendence of a minor’s property is by a court of wards.

·        In English law, the age of 18 years is taken a majority age in all situations.


·        First rule- law protects minors against their own inexperience & against the possible improper designs of those more experienced

·         Second rule-the law should not cause unnecessary hardship to persons who deal with minors.


1       Agreement is void: Since any contract with minor, that is any individual less than 18 years of age cannot contract, so any minor agreement which has been formed is void. However, the minor may enforce the agreement against the other party if he has carried out his obligation.


2       No Ratification: Minor cannot ratify the agreement on attaining the age of majority which he has entered into in the age of minority.


3       Minor can plead minority to avoid contract. X, a minor borrows money by saying that he is a major.


4       A minor is not liable to restore the property or goods. Minor can be compelled. If goods are traceable in his possession. If minor has sold the goods then nothing can be claimed.


5       No specific Performance: Means actual performance of contract as agreed as contract is void ab intio. But in case guardians entered into a contract if they have the authority and it is for the benefit of minor, it is valid


6       Minor can be a promisee or a beneficiary: Where the minor bears no obligation & rather the agreement is for his benefit, and then such agreement is valid. ( A promissory note executed in favor of minor is valid )


7       Minor as a partner: A minor cannot become a partner in the partnership firm but he can be admitted to benefits of the partnership with consent of all the partners. The minor is liable to losses but not his personal property.


8       Minor as an agent: The principal shall be bound for the acts of minor agent. (Link between parents & third party).


9       Minor cannot be adjudged as insolvent: Even for necessaries, his property is liable but he is not personally liable.


10  Position of a surety: Where in contract of guarantee, a major stands surety on behalf minor, and then major would be liable.


11  Minor’s Liability for necessaries: Minor is liable to pay a reasonable price for the necessaries supplied to him…. His property is liable but he is not personally liable.


12  Position of minor’s parents: The parents are not liable for the contract entered into by the minor himself. They r liable only if minor is their agent.


13  Minor as a shareholder: A minor cannot become a shareholder but fully paid up shares may be transmitted to him through his lawful guardians.


14  A minor is liable in torture (civil wrong) but where tort arises out of contract a minor is not liable in tort as indirect way of enforcing an invalid contract.



1. Contract with a minor is absolutely void.

2. Contract for necessaries of life.

3. Minor’s contract for his benefits.

4. Contract by parents of minor.

5. A minor’s contract cannot be ratified on his becoming a major.

6. There can be no restitution or refund of benefit.

7. Minor as an agent.

8. Minor as a partner.

9. Position of a minor in a limited Company.

10. Surety’s Liability for minor.

11. Position of a minor in a negotiable Instrument.

12. Minor’s Rights to hold property.


·        ACC TO SEC 12: “A person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract if, at the time when he makes it, he is capable of understanding it & of forming a rational judgment as to its effect upon his interest.”

·        Soundness of mind of a person depends upon:  His capacity to understand the basics of the business concerned His ability to form a rational judgment as to their effect upon his interest.

Unsoundness may be categorized as:


·         An idiot is a born fool who has completely lost his mental powers. He does not have the faculty to think or understand even the ordinary matters. An idiot can never enter into a contract.

·        The law protects such people by making them incompetent to contract because it would be very simple for anybody to deprive them of their rights.


·         A person who has lost his mental power because of accident, illness or personal tragedy is called a lunatic.

·        Lunacy denotes periodic sanity. Such a person is incompetent to make a contract when his state of mind is not sound. Such persons can be categorized as:

1. Those that are normally alright, but have periodic fits of lunacy. Such person is incompetent to contract.

2. Those that are normally insane but are sometimes of same mind.


·      A person who is intoxicated by drinking, or is under the influence of drugs, or is delirious because of pain or sickness cannot make a rational decision and as such is incompetent to make a contract.


1.   Alien enemy: An alien enemy is an individual who, due to permanent or temporary allegiance to a hostile power, is regarded as an enemy in wartime. Under federal law, an alien enemy is a native, citizen, or subject of a foreign nation, state, or sovereign with which the United States is at war.

2. Foreign sovereign: Foreign sovereigns, diplomats and accredited representatives are not governed by Indian law and are beyond the jurisdiction of Indian Courts.

3.     Corporations: Contract is ultra vires if not in MOA) • Insolvents- all property in hand of Official assignee. He can enter into contract when court passes an order of discharge

4. Convicts: Persons who are sentenced to imprisonment cannot enter into contract during that period)

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